Tehran’s Grand Bazaar will be closed for two weeks starting Saturday, April 10, to contain the rapid spread of Covid-19 infections.
According to Qasem Noudeh-Farahani, the head of Tehran Chamber of Guilds, aside from the Grand Bazaar, all non-essential businesses, i.e., Group II, III and IV of jobs are forced to shutter, since the capital city has been demarcated as a “red zone”.
Notably, only essential businesses categorized as Group I, including bakeries, supermarkets, grocery stores, car shops, chain stores, health and treatment centers, pharmacies, factories, transportation companies, public parking garages, military bases, post offices, internet service providers, press, nursery homes and print shops, are allowed to remain open in red zones.
Earlier, Iran Chamber of Guilds issued a statement expressing concerns regarding the economic implications of a new surge in Covid-19 cases.
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