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Domestic Economy

2.3% Decline in Q3 Services Employment

The services sector employed 50.4% of the Iranian employed population (11.66 million) in the fourth quarter of last Iranian year (Dec. 21, 2020-March 20), 2.3% less than the corresponding period of the preceding year, whereas industrial and agricultural sectors provided 33.8% and 15.8% of the jobs respectively.

Over 7.81 million were employed in the industrial sector, indicating an increase of 2.1% year-on-year and 3.65 million worked in the agriculture sector, posting a 0.2% YOY increase, the Statistical Center of Iran reported. 

The services sector consists of wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport, storage and communications; financing, insurance, real estate and business services; as well as community, social, education, health and personal services.

The sector employed 9.67 million men and 1.99 million women in Q4, while 6.88 million men and 927,211 women were active in the industrial sector and 3.09 million men and 562,828 women worked in the agriculture sector. 

Services accounted for 59.2% or 10.23 million of all jobs in urban areas and 24.4% or 1.42 million of jobs in rural areas. The industrial sector made up 34.9% or 6.04 million of the jobs in urban areas and comprised 30.3% or 1.77 million of employment in rural areas. This is while 5.8% or one million of the total jobs in urban areas and 45.3% or 2.64 million of the jobs in rural areas were in the agriculture sector. 

SCI put Q4 labor force participation rate—the proportion of the population of ages 15 and above that is economically active either employed or looking for a job—at 40.9% or 25.61 million people, registering a 1.5% decrease year-on-year. 

Men’s and women’s economic participation rates were 68.5% and 13.3% respectively in the same period.

SCI reports that 21.44 million men and 4.16 million women of ages 15 and above were economically active in Q4, i.e., they were either employed or looking for a job.