Domestic Economy

Gov’t to Allocate $6b for Subsidized Essential Goods Import in H1 2021-22


The government will allocate $6 billion to import essential goods at the subsidized rate of 42,000 rials per dollar in the first six months of the next Iranian year (starting March 21), says First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri. 
Imports of pharmaceuticals and medical devices needed by the Health Ministry will receive $1.5 billion of the sum and the rest will be given to Agriculture Ministry and the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade for importing other essential goods, he was quoted as saying by IRNA. 
Also known as necessity goods, essential goods are products consumers will buy, regardless of changes in income levels.
At present, 5.2 million tons of essential goods have been unloaded at Iranian ports and awaiting customs clearance, Mehrdad Jamal Orounaqi, a senior official with the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, said on Saturday. 


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