Domestic Economy

Multiple Jobholding on the Rise

Multiple Jobholding on the Rise
Multiple Jobholding on the Rise

The number of people who worked two jobs at the same time rose from 726,000 in the year ending March 2018 to 834,000 in the year ending March 2020, latest data released by the Statistical Center of Iran and the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare show. 
The multiple jobholding rate increased from 3.1% to 3.4% in the two years.
Between 49.4% and 54.4% of multiple jobholders worked at jobs categorized under “agriculture, forestry and fishing” group as their second jobs, while 70.6% were employed in the agriculture sector in the last fiscal year (March 2019-20), which share stood at 66.8% in the year ending March 2018 and 66% in the year ending March 2019, IRNA reported.


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