Domestic Economy

Steel Exports Plummet, as Imports Jump 50 Percent YOY

Iran is the 10th biggest global producer of steel, according to the World Steel Association’s latest report
Steel Exports Plummet, as Imports Jump 50 Percent YOY
Steel Exports Plummet, as Imports Jump 50 Percent YOY

A total of 4.53 million tons of finished and semi-finished steel products were exported from Iran during the first seven months of the current fiscal year (March 20-Oct. 21) to register a 23.5% decline year-on-year, the Iranian Steel Producers Association reported.
Semi-finished steel made up 3.19 million tons of total export volume, down 16% YOY.
Billet and bloom had the lion’s share of semis exports with an aggregate of 2.451 million tons, even though the sum was 6% lower than the previous corresponding period's 2.6 million tons. Slab came next with 740,000 tons, down 39% YOY. 
Exports of finished steel products declined by 37% to 1.34 million tons during the first seven months of the year. 


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