Domestic Economy

H1 Tax Revenues Top $3 Billion

The budgetary goal of tax revenues for the current year is set at 1,950 trillion rials ($7.09 billion)
H1 Tax Revenues Top $3 Billion
H1 Tax Revenues Top $3 Billion

The government earned 852.23 trillion rials ($3.09 billion) in tax revenues over the first half of the current fiscal year (March 20-Sept. 21), the Iranian National Tax Administration announced. 
The government’s tax revenues consist of its returns from “direct taxation” and “tax on goods and services”. Direct taxes include the three groups of “tax on legal entities”, “income tax” and “wealth tax”.
Overall earnings from direct tax stood at 549.55 trillion rials ($1.99 billion), of which tax on legal entities earned 227.49 trillion rials ($827.23 million), 
Revenues gained from income tax reached 192.65 trillion rials ($700.54 million) and wealth tax revenues topped 129.4 trillion rials ($470.54 million). 


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