Domestic Economy

A Different Chabahar in 5 Years

What has made Chabahar remarkable in the face of competition from other regional ports is the prospect of its geo-economic power. Located at the intersection of north, south, east and west corridors, Chabahar connects numerous global markets
A Different Chabahar in 5 Years
A Different Chabahar in 5 Years

Chabahar Port’s vast potentials and plans will set the platform for growth and development in five years, said Abdolrahim Kordi, the director of Chabahar Free Zone Organization, in a write-up for the Persian-language daily Iran. Below is the full text:
What has made Chabahar remarkable, in the face of competition from other ports of the region, is the prospect of its geo-economic power. 
Located at the intersection of north, south, east and west corridors, Chabahar connects numerous global markets. 
Over the past decade, international competition, transportation costs and delivery speed have become of utmost importance. Everyone is searching for the shortest transit routes. 


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