Domestic Economy

H1 Mineral Explorations Cover 50K Sq Km

H1 Mineral Explorations Cover 50K Sq Km
H1 Mineral Explorations Cover 50K Sq Km

The area under mineral explorations in Iran expanded by 50,000 square kilometers during the first six months of the current Iranian year (March 20-Sept. 21), according to the Geological Survey and Mineral Explorations of Iran.
“Plans are high on the agenda to carry out explorations over 115,000 square kilometers by the end of the current fiscal year [March 20, 2021],” said Alireza Shahidi, the head of GIS. 
"The outbreak of Covid-19 caused delays in exploration projects across the country … but we expect to hit 100,000 square kilometers of exploration by the [fiscal] yearend [March 20, 2021]."
Over 26,000 meters of underground mining exploration were undertaken during the first half of the current Iranian year by Iran Minerals Production and Supply Company.


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