Domestic Economy

27% Rise in Astara Port Throughput

27% Rise in Astara Port Throughput
27% Rise in Astara Port Throughput

A total of 117,000 tons of goods were loaded and unloaded in Astara Port in the northern Gilan Province during the first half of the current Iranian year (March 20-Sept. 21), to register a 27% growth compared with the similar period of last year, the head of Astara Port and Maritime Organization said.
“Exports from the port stood at 65,163 tons and imports at 33,439 tons over the six-month period,” Kianoush Amiri was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
The official noted that a 75-meter-long wharf is under construction at the port, the completion of which will increase Astara’s throughput capacity from the current 700,000 tons to around 1 million tons per annum.
According to Masoud Almasi, the head of Gilan’s Agricultural Organization, over the six months ending Sept. 21, a total of 247,000 tons of agricultural products worth $25.34 million were exported from Astara Port to Russia and Azarbaijan.


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