Domestic Economy

Wagon Pars Marches Ahead in Supplying Iran's Rolling Stock

Wagon Pars Marches Ahead in Supplying Iran's Rolling Stock
Wagon Pars Marches Ahead in Supplying Iran's Rolling Stock

Iran’s Wagon Pars Company, a manufacturer of rolling stock, has manufactured 275 freight and passenger wagons since the beginning of the current Iranian year on March 20, 234 of which have already joined the country’s rail fleet, according to the company’s CEO.
“Out of the total rolling stock delivered to the operating companies, 14 were passenger and the rest were cargo wagons,” Mohammad Reza Mokhtari was also quoted as saying by IRNA recently.
The official noted that Wagon Pars currently produces each passenger and freight wagon at a cost of 120 billion rials ($400,000) and 10 billion rials ($33,000) respectively, adding that the figures have significantly increased compared with last year due to the rise in raw material prices.


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