Domestic Economy

3.4m Tons of Necessity Goods Available at Ports

Of the total volume of essential goods, 2.37 million tons were at Imam Khomeini Port in Khuzestan Province, with 15 ships containing 586,000 tons undergoing the unloading process and 10 vessels with 584,000 tons awaiting the signal to dock on Saturday
3.4m Tons of Necessity Goods Available at Ports
3.4m Tons of Necessity Goods Available at Ports

A total of 3.4 million tons of essential goods have arrived at Iranian ports, of which corn accounts for 1.62 million tons, says Mehrdad Jamal-Arvanaqi, the deputy head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration. 
“Of the total essential goods, 2.37 million tons are at Imam Khomeini Port in Khuzestan Province; 15 ships carrying 586,000 tons of essential goods are at the unloading process and 10 vessels carrying 584,000 tons of essential goods are waiting to dock,” the official was quoted as saying by ILNA on Saturday. 
Also known as necessity goods, essential goods are products consumers will buy, regardless of changes in income levels.
Amid high inflation and diminished purchasing power, the Iranian government has sought to ensure a steady supply of essential goods at subsidized prices.


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