Domestic Economy

Iran Supplies Nearly Half of Afghanistan’s Market Demand

About $3-4 billion of Afghanistan’s total annual imports worth $6-7 billion are from Iran
Iran Supplies Nearly Half of Afghanistan’s Market Demand
Iran Supplies Nearly Half of Afghanistan’s Market Demand

Iran accounts for nearly half of Afghanistan's market demand, according to Iran’s commercial attaché to the neighboring country, Mohammad Mehdi Javanmard-Qassab.
About $3-4 billion of Afghanistan’s total annual imports worth $6-7 billion are from Iran, he added. 
“The depreciation of Iranian currency has paved the way for an increase in exports … Afghanistan has huge capacity and demand in the field of technical and engineering services. This provides us with ample opportunity for the export of these services and the transfer of our technical knowhow in different fields to Afghan businesses,” Javanmard-Qassab was quoted as saying by Fars News Agency.
To achieve this objective, the official added, Iran held a technical and engineering exhibition in September.


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