Domestic Economy

38% Decrease in H1 Tehran Home Construction Permits

The decline has heightened concerns about the loss of jobs in engineering and construction
38% Decrease in H1 Tehran Home Construction Permits
38% Decrease in H1 Tehran Home Construction Permits

The first half of the current Iranian year (March 20-Sept. 21) registered a 38% decline in the number of permits issued to home builders, says the head of Construction Engineering Organization of Tehran Province.
Saeed Saeedian added that this has heightened concerns about the loss of jobs in engineering and construction, ILNA reported. 
“As the largest organization affiliated to the private sector, the Construction Engineering Organization of Tehran Province has 120,000 members, of whom 70,000 are licensed builders,” he said.
Noting that the outbreak of coronavirus accelerated the shift to online services, Saeedian said his organization now offers 90% of its services electronically.  


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