Domestic Economy

Shipping Traffic Declines

Non-oil goods accounted for 25.15 million tons of the total throughput – down 34.35% year-on-year drop. The remaining 13.26 million tons were oil products, registering 12.06% decline YOY
Shipping Traffic Declines
Shipping Traffic Declines

Iran’s 21 major ports handled 38.41 million tons of goods in  the first four months of the current fiscal year (March 20-July 21)  -- down 28.06% compared to same period last year.
According to figures published by the Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran, non-oil goods accounted for more than 25.15 million tons of the total throughput, which was 34.35% down year-on-year.  The remaining 13.26 million tons were oil products, registering 12.06% decline.
Container loading and unloading decreased by 39.7% reaching  425,899 TEUs.
Close to 16.48 million tons of goods were exported and over 10.49 million tons imported, registering a 33.14% and 8.98% decline respectively YOY. 


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