Domestic Economy

Rise in Guaranteed Tea Purchase Prices

Rise in Guaranteed Tea Purchase Prices
Rise in Guaranteed Tea Purchase Prices

The government has set guaranteed prices for tea purchases at 46,000 rials ($0.28) for top-quality tea leaves and 33,000 rials ($0.20) for other varieties of leaves for this year’s harvest, which show a 27.7% and 50% increase respectively compared with last year’s prices, according to the head of Iran Tea Organization.
Every year, the government buys strategic crops, including tea as well as wheat, sugarbeet, barley, cotton boll and oilseeds among others, from local farmers at guaranteed prices to control prices in the domestic market and fill its strategic reserves.
“Purchases will begin toward the end of April. Farmers are pleased with the prices announced by the government this year. Moreover, tea factories can purchase tea at higher prices based on quality, so there is also competition in the market,” Habibollah Jahansaz was quoted as saying by IRNA.


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