Domestic Economy

Iranian Ports Handled 140m Tons of Goods Last Year

Iranian Ports Handled 140m Tons of Goods Last Year
Iranian Ports Handled 140m Tons of Goods Last Year

More than 139.65 million tons of commodities were loaded and unloaded at Iran’s 21 commercial ports during the last Iranian year (March 2019-20) to register a meager rise of 0.17% compared with the corresponding period of last year.
Latest figures published on the Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran’s website show non-oil goods accounted for 95.48 million tons of the total throughput, showing a 0.08% year-on-year growth. 
The remaining 44.16 million tons pertained to oil products, indicating a 0.7% increase YOY.
Container loading and unloading declined by 35.95% to stand at 1.38 million TEUs.


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