Domestic Economy

Iran’s Trade With EU Grows by Over 17%

Iran’s Trade With EU Grows by Over 17%
Iran’s Trade With EU Grows by Over 17%

Trade between Iran and EU member states in January stood at €387.12 million to register a 17.79% increase compared with the same month of 2019, latest data provided by the European Statistical Office show.
Germany, Italy and the Netherlands were Iran’s top trading partners in the European bloc with bilateral exchanges standing at €148.99 million, €50.06 million and €33.65 million respectively.
Iran’s trade with Luxembourg (€267,759), Romania (€15.94 million) and Croatia (€268,704) increased by 1,233%, 636.64% and 347.53% respectively year-on-year, making it the highest among EU states.
Trade with Ireland (€122,617), Malta (€1,536), Estonia (€47,663), Greece (€1.27 million) and Sweden (€3.03 million) saw the sharpest declines of 97.52%, 88.86%, 66.28%, 63.22% and 53.53% respectively.


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