Domestic Economy

3% Growth in Iran's Iron Ore Concentrate Output

3% Growth in Iran's Iron Ore Concentrate Output
3% Growth in Iran's Iron Ore Concentrate Output

A total of 39.34 million tons of iron ore concentrates were produced in Iran during the first 10 of the current Iranian year (March 21, 2019-Jan. 20) to register a 3% growth compared with the corresponding period of the year before. 
Production in the 10th month stood at 3.9 million tons up 1% YOY.
Golgohar Mining and Industrial Complex accounted for 13.38 million tons of the total 10-month output (up 2% YOY), followed by Chadormalu Mining and Industrial Complex with 7.97 million tons (up 6% YOY), Middle East Mines and Mining Industries Development Holding Company with 4.33 million tons (up 3% YOY), Iran Central Iron Ore Company with 3.95 million tons (down 11% YOY), Goharzamin Iron Ore Company with 3.8 million tons (up 4% YOY), Opal Parsian Sangan with 2.56 million tons (up 3% YOY), National Development Industrial and Mineral Company with 1.98 million tons (up 59% YOY), Sabanour Mining and Industrial Development Company with 930,252 tons (down 5% YOY) and Jalalabad Iron Ore Complex with 412,803 tons (down 5% YOY).


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