Domestic Economy

Growth in Iran's Tile, Ceramic Industry

Growth in Iran's Tile, Ceramic Industry
Growth in Iran's Tile, Ceramic Industry

Mehdi Fekri, a member of the Iran Tile and Ceramic Producers’ Association, says implementation of the government-backed housing development project, the ‘National Housing Initiative’ in addition to the preferential trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union is expected to energize tile and ceramic exports this year. 
The Roads and Urban Development Ministry has announced plans to build 400,000 homes over two years. Registration for the government-sponsored scheme  began on Nov 6 in 10 provinces. 
Construction of 180,000 residential units has already begun and the ministry is conducting province-by-province registration of eligible applicants.  
Having been piloted in Kerman Province to find out if the registration process was smooth, the initial registration phase has been launched in Qom, Hamedan, Sistan-Baluchestan, Ardabil and Zanjan  provinces. 


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