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Domestic Economy

Iranian Businesspeople Warned Against Traveling to China

Iran-China Chamber of Commerce has warned Iranian traders and merchants about the outbreak of a lethal coronavirus in China and called on them to monitor the latest situation of the viral spread before travelling to China.

In a notification on Jan. 25, Iran-China Chamber of Commerce announced that Iranians traveling to China should avoid visiting places with risk of contamination, Mehr News Agency reported.

“Very dangerous and fatal respiratory virus has spread in China and in some Southeast Asian countries severely in a way that all outbound travelers from China are strictly monitored at all airports across the world," Chairman of Iran-China Chamber of Commerce Majidreza Hariri wrote in his Instagram post.

According to Reuters, at least 41 have died so far and the coronavirus has infected over 1,200.

The East Asian country stepped up measures on Friday to contain the virus, with public transport suspended in 10 cities, the shutting of temples and the rapid construction of a hospital to treat the infected.