Domestic Economy

13 Monumental Challenges Facing Iran’s Economy

The super challenges facing Iran's economy have built up over the past decades and did not come to light until after the US reimposed sanctions on the country
13 Monumental Challenges Facing Iran’s Economy
13 Monumental Challenges Facing Iran’s Economy

Iran’s economy is facing 13 monumental challenges that have built up over the past decades, after it emerged from the shadows of oil revenues when the US reimposed sanctions on the country, Vahid Shaqaqi-Shahri, a university professor and economist, says. 
“To fix any problem, we must first understand it. However, these major problems in our economy are being compounded rather than being resolved,” he was quoted as saying by the news website Fararu. 
Shaqaqi-Shahri’s views have been summed up as follows:
Iran’s defective banking system is the first of these big challenges. 


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