Domestic Economy

Shedding Crocodile Tears, US Blocks Medicine Sales to Iran

There are only a handful of pharmaceutical companies manufacturing MPS medicine in the world, namely two American companies and one South Korean. Under pressure from the US government, the Korean company cannot supply Iran with this medicine
Shedding Crocodile Tears, US Blocks Medicine Sales to Iran
Shedding Crocodile Tears, US Blocks Medicine Sales to Iran

The United States has specifically warned South Korean pharmaceutical companies manufacturing medicines for a group of rare diseases called mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) against working with Iran, the head of Food and Drug Administration of Iran said. 
“There are only a handful of pharmaceutical companies manufacturing MPS medicine in the world, namely two American companies and one Korean. Sadly, under pressure from the US government, the Korean company can’t provide us with the medicine against its will,” Mohammad Reza Shanehsaz was also quoted as saying by ISNA. 
Noting that over the past months, the Food and Drug Administration of Iran has been grappling with constant challenges regarding the supply of medicines, the official said MPS medicines will be made available, as some are held in reserve and patients can use substitutes [medicine that differs in composition but is considered to have similar pharmacological activity].
“Intergovernmental organizations need to take notice of US unethical behavior. It sheds crocodile tears for Iranian people but in actuality only thinks about annihilating our country and people,” he said. 


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