Domestic Economy

Iranian Per Capita Milk Consumption Less Than Third of Standard Level

Iranian Per Capita Milk Consumption Less Than Third of Standard Level
Iranian Per Capita Milk Consumption Less Than Third of Standard Level

Iran’s annual per capita milk consumption is estimated at 80 kilograms, says advisor to Iran Dairy Industries Association, Hossein Chamani, adding that the standard per capita milk consumption is 270 kilograms.
"If we assume milk production is, at most, 100 kilograms per person in the country, 10% of this figure are exported, 5% are consumed by calves, while 5% go to waste. Therefore 80%, i.e. 80 kilograms, are consumed in the form of dairy products," ILNA quoted Chamani as saying.
Iran is among the top milk producing countries in the world.
According to Secretary of Iran Dairy Industries Union Reza Bakeri, close to 7 million tons of milk are produced in the country annually, 450,000 tons of which are exported as dairy products.
“More than $700 million worth of dairy products are exported from Iran every year,” he told Mizan Online.


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