Domestic Economy

Baft Steel Company Launches DRI Production Plant

Baft Steel Company Launches DRI Production Plant
Baft Steel Company Launches DRI Production Plant

President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated Baft Steel Company’s new direct reduction iron plant on Monday during a visit to Kerman Province. 
The DRI production plant has an annual capacity of 800,000 tons, IRNA reported.
The plant’s development started in the fiscal March 2007-08 in a 612-hectare land. It has created 250 direct and 2,500 indirect jobs.
President Rouhani also broke ground on another project at Baft Steel Company on Monday, namely a pellet and briquette production unit with a capacity of 2.5 million tons per year. Launched by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization, the project requires an investment of €250 million. It is expected to become operational in the second half of the Iranian year 1401 (March 2022-03) and create 500 direct and 5,000 indirect jobs.


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