Domestic Economy

Tea Harvest Season Ends, Gov’t Processed Output Rises 11%

Tea Harvest Season Ends, Gov’t Processed Output Rises 11%
Tea Harvest Season Ends, Gov’t Processed Output Rises 11%

This year’s tea harvest season has come to an end and the government purchased a total of 126,753 tons of green tea leaves from local farmers at 3.43 trillion rials ($30.66 million), the head of Iran Tea Organization said.
“Around 28,519 tons of processed tea were derived from this amount of purchases, showing an 11% rise compared with the similar period of last year,” Habibollah Jahansaz was quoted as saying by Mehr News Agency last Wednesday.
The product undergoes three harvests a year: spring harvest starts in late April, summer harvest begins early June and autumn harvest starts late September.


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