Domestic Economy

Iran: Food Price Changes Evaluated

With the coefficient of 26.64%, the Consumer Price Index of “food and beverages” stood at 214.9 in the month ending Sept. 22, indicating a 1.4% decrease compared with the month before and a year-on-year increase of 46%
Food Price Changes Evaluated
Food Price Changes Evaluated

The Statistical Center of Iran has released a report reviewing price changes of food products in the Iranian month ending Sept. 22. 
The biggest month-on-month price rise was recorded for cucumbers with 23.9%. A kilogram of cucumbers was sold at 42,601 rials ($0,37).
The second and third biggest month-on-month price rise during the period under review were registered for oranges with 12.7% and packed foreign tea with 9.5%, SCI reported on its website. 
A kilogram of oranges was sold at 133,260 rials ($1.17) and a kilogram of packed foreign teas went for 548,462 rials ($4.8) last month. 


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