Business And Markets

Special Central Bank of Iran Committee to Innovate OMO

Special Central Bank of Iran Committee to Innovate OMO
Special Central Bank of Iran Committee to Innovate OMO

In the run-up to opening the Open Market Operation, governor of the Central Bank of Iran is setting up a committee to handle the executive affairs of the OMO. 
The five-member team will draft and enforce monetary policy, monitor the interbank market and oversee functioning of the OMO, according to a letter of appointment published on the CBI website. 
Abdolnasser Hemmati appointed Mohammad Nadali, Mahmoud Naderi, Reza Boustani, Ahmad Goudarzi and Houman Karami as members of committee and chaired by Nadali. 
In launching the OMO, Hemmati urged members to draw on the experience and capacity of the interbank market. 


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