Business And Markets

New Risk Retention Capacity for Iranian Insurers

New Risk Retention Cap for Insurers
New Risk Retention Cap for Insurers

In its new appraisal of risk retention capacity of domestic insurers, the Central Insurance company of Iran (CII) has changed the rank of two insurance firms.
According to a report published on the CII website, the main state-owned Iran Insurance Company is first on the list in terms of risk retention capacity and can accept risks worth at 18.61 trillion rials ($167 million).
Asia Insurance Company is next with risk retention capacity of 4.56 trillion rials ($40.5 million) followed by Dana Insurance Company with 3.27 trillion rials ($28.8 million) capacity. 
Alborz Insurance Company came fourth. 
Risk retention capacities announced by the CII are based on the balance sheets of the insurance companies released on August 14.
Comparing new data with the figures in the previous report covering risk retention capacity of insurers to July 17, a change in position is seen for Alborz and Dana. 


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