Business And Markets

High Octane Gasoline Sold via Iran Energy Exchange

High Octane Gasoline Sold via Iran Energy Exchange
High Octane Gasoline Sold via Iran Energy Exchange

High octane gasoline weighing 3,000 tons was sold in the international ring of Iran Energy Exchange on Tuesday. 
It was offered by the National Iranian Oil Product Distribution Company at a base price of $640/ton, according to the IRENEX online bulletin board. 
The offer was welcomed by buyers as they placed orders for 4,000 tons of octane 95 gasoline when 3,000 tons was on offer. 
In its initial notice, NIORDC offered 2,000 tons of gasoline. After the initial offers were well received, the company offered an additional 1,000 tons of the fuel. 
The fuel was sold in two cargos of 1,000 tons and 2 cargos of 500 tons. 
While high octane gasoline was sold amid buyer enthusiasm, the lower octane gasoline was not approached with the same vigor. 


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