Business And Markets

Shaparak Transactions Down 13%

Shaparak Transactions Down 13%
Shaparak Transactions Down 13%

The monthly report of Shaparak payments and settlement network indicates 13.3% decline in value of transactions during the third month of the current fiscal year (started March 21) compared to a month earlier. 
Shaparak processed 2.19 billion transactions worth 2,390 trillion rials ($19.5 billion) in the month ending on June 21, indicating a monthly hike of 2.48% in terms of volume, Shaparak website reported. 
The figures show a 27.16% and 32.88% growth year-on-year in terms of volume and value respectively.
Factoring out the inflation factor, the company presents data in real terms to help provide timely and authentic information to decision-makers. 


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