Business And Markets

$1.5b in Tax Evasion Detected in Iran Last Year

More than 147 trillion rials ($1.2 billion) worth of unpaid taxes was detected by monitoring suspicious transactions
$1.5b in Tax Evasion Detected in Iran Last Year
$1.5b in Tax Evasion Detected in Iran Last Year

The Iranian National Tax Administration identified and collected unpaid taxes worth 184 trillion rials ($1.5 billion) in the last fiscal year the ended in March.
Hadi Khani, the head of INTA’s Tax Inspection Department, said of this amount 147 trillion rials ($1.2 billion) was detected by monitoring suspicious transactions, IRNA reported. 
Eleven trillion rials ($92 million) was detected by inspecting books and commercial records of businesses as per the provisions of the Direct Tax Law.


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