Business And Markets

Iran Envoy to UK: Punishing STFI Can Kill INSTEX

Punishing STFI Can Kill INSTEX
Punishing STFI Can Kill INSTEX

Iran’s ambassador to London, Hamid  Baeidinejad, said  US threats to sanction Iran’s reciprocal trade entity to  Europe’s Instrument in Support of Trade Exchange could put an end to INSTEX, and by extension to whatever is left of European diplomacy vis-à-vis the Iran nuclear agreement. 
“These sanctions will practically terminate INSTEX and hurl  EU diplomacy towards total failure,” Baeidinejad wrote in a twitter post Monday. 
He was referring to a Bloomberg report Monday that the Trump administration is weighing sanctions against the Iranian trade mechanism, known as Special Trade and Finance Institute, set up as a go-between for trade with Europe. 


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