Business And Markets

Iran Fara Bourse Report Indicates Strong Growth

Iran Fara Bourse Report Indicates Strong Growth
Iran Fara Bourse Report Indicates Strong Growth

Iran Fara Bourse main index touched new highs in the financial year that ended on March 20. According to a press release by IFB, the benchmark index IFX gained more than 100% in the previous year. 
IFX reached record levels standing at around 2,258 on March 19, 2019. IFB’s main index soared about 1,161 points gaining more than 100% in the Iranian year 1397 (March 2018-2019).
Winter ended with an increase of 75% in IFB market capitalization, reaching 2,572,349 billion rials.
In 241 trading days of the last Iranian fiscal that coincided with IFB’s 10th anniversary, overall 170,190 million securities worth 1,017,115 billion rials changed hands, up 89% and 71% respectively compared to the previous year.


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