Business And Markets

Central Bank of Iran Announces New Mechanism for Selling Subsidized Goods

Central Bank of Iran Announces New Mechanism for Selling Subsidized Goods
Central Bank of Iran Announces New Mechanism for Selling Subsidized Goods

The Central Bank of Iran has put in place the infrastructure for launching a new mechanism to distribute essential goods eligible for subsidized currency. The system operates using only national ID numbers and/or bank debit cards.  
CBI governor Abdolnaser Hemmati had announced earlier on state TV that the regulator’s readiness to create the mechanism for distributing subsidized goods.
The mechanism was created on the request of the Ministry of Industries to tap into the CBI debit card payment system in cooperation with the Informatics Services Cooperation - a tech company affiliated to the CBI and active in developing banking and payment systems.   
Within the framework of the new distribution system goods will be accessible based on national IDs.  


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