Business And Markets

Iran Parliament Approves 2m Barrels Oil Offer via IRENEX

Majlis Approves 2m Barrels Oil Offer via IRENEX
Majlis Approves 2m Barrels Oil Offer via IRENEX

Iranian lawmakers on Sunday approved an amendment to next year's (March 2019-20) budget bill obliging the Oil Ministry to offer on a monthly basis 2 million barrels of light crude on the Iran Energy Exchange. 
According to the parliamentary news website ICANA, the ministry is also obliged to offer 2 million barrels of heavy crude oil plus two million barrels of natural gas condensates on IRENEX every month. 
Payment for the oil can be made in rials or in foreign exchange and offers must be within the terms announced by the Security and Exchange Organization.
The ministry is required to present a performance report to members of the Majlis Energy Commission every three months. 


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