Tehran Stock Exchange’s main index, TEDPIX, climbed from 95,509 points at the end of the third quarter of the previous fiscal (2017-18) to 156,083 points by the Dec. 21, 2018 -- up 63.4% annually.
Reporting monthly performance of various economic indicators of the capital market, the Central Bank of Iran said the TEDPIX rose 62.1% compared to the end of the previous fiscal on March 21.
Despite dramatic jumps in the first half of the current fiscal, CBI data shows that the TEDPIX fell 11.2% by Dec. 21 compared with a month earlier (Aban), signifying that the market is losing momentum.
According to data, a total of 367.4 billion deals worth 1,018 trillion rials ($8.6 billion) were conducted during the first nine months of the current year, indicating 131.8% and 184.8% jump in the volume and value of deals, respectively, compared to the same period last year.
The value of trade in the First Market hit 656.5 trillion rials ($5.5 billion) by this time, up 164.3% annually and down 43.3% compared with a month earlier.
In addition, the value of trades in the Second Market totaled 361.6 trillion, which shows 35.5% fall compared to a month before and 144% jump annually.
However, both indicators show negative performance compared to a month earlier, declining 46.2% and 43.3% in value and volume of deals respectively.
By the end of the third quarter on Dec. 21, TSE value reached 5,924 trillion rials ($50.6 billion), down 11.3% compared with a month before and up 55.2% at an annualized rate. Also, compared to figures for the end of last fiscal, the value of the market increased by 54.9%.
In addition to TEDPIX, all other indexes fell in Azar compared to the preceding month. Indictors fell 12.1%, 9.6%, and 11.6% for First Market, Second Market and Industry indexes while witnessing annual 67.8%, 55.7%, and 67.9% increase, respectively.
Data released earlier last week by the World Federation of Exchanges placed the TSE at the top of the best-performing stock markets in terms of trading value among WFE members. The data covered performance of global stocks in 2018.
According to WFE, the total value of TSE trade in 2018 reached $26.5 billion -- a whopping 112% growth over the corresponding period in 2017, making the TSE the top-performer on the list.