Business And Markets

Iran Liquidity Up 20.7% (October 2018)

Iran Liquidity Up 20.7% (October 2018)
Iran Liquidity Up 20.7% (October 2018)

Central bank data show that total liquidity was 16.93 quadrillion rials ($166.06 billion) on October 22 -- 20.7% higher compared to the same month last year.
It also reported a 10.7% rise compared to the end of the last fiscal in March. 
Although the figures show an overall rise in money supply in annual terms, a comparison with the same period two years ago indicates a decline in the pace of liquidity growth. This is while liquidity in October 2017 was up by 23.3% compared with its previous year, which indicated a slower growth.   
According to Persian economic daily Donya-e-Eqtesad, average liquidity growth which stood at 30% in July 2016 started a downward trend since then and decelerated by 10% in May of this year.  


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