Business And Markets

Tehran Stock Exchange Trade Climbs 73% in 1 Month (Sep-Oct 2018)

5.6 million participatory bonds worth 5.52 trillion rials ($39.7 million) were traded in the debt market to go up by 24% MOM
Tehran Stock Exchange Trade Climbs 73% in 1 Month (Sep-Oct 2018)
Tehran Stock Exchange Trade Climbs 73% in 1 Month (Sep-Oct 2018)

Total value of traded securities at TSE reached 310.32 trillion rials ($2.23 billion) during the calendar month ending October 22 to register 73% growth compared to the month before. Accordingly, more than 93 million securities were traded in over five million deals.
First Market index added 21.985 units to settle at 140.512, while Second Market index increased by 45.042 points to 363.537, indicating 19% and 14% rise respectively month on month. This is while 975 million units of exchange traded funds worth more than 10 trillion rials ($72 million) were traded, up 97%.


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