Business And Markets

Jump in Use of Bank Cards

Jump in Use  of Bank Cards
Jump in Use  of Bank Cards

The domestic e-payment network processed an estimated 4.16 billion retail transactions in the first month of the calendar year to May 21, Shaparak, the company in charge of supervising the network, reported Sunday.
It processed an estimated 9,672 trillion rials ($20.15 billion) e-payments -- up 17.35% in volume and 44.86% in value on the same period last year, the company website said.
In volume terms, transactions were 13% higher on the month before when 3.54 billion transactions worth 6,677 trillion rials ($13.9 billion) were logged. The value was up 17.79% on the month before. 
Shaparak presents figures in real value terms to adjust for inflation. However, when adjusted for inflation, the real value of transactions was up 14% on the month. 


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