Business And Markets

CBI Says Has Access to $6.7b in SDR Reserves

The CBI chief says 4.8 billion SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) can be used by Iran without delay and with minimal bureaucratic procedures to assist economic needs
CBI Says Has Access to $6.7b in SDR Reserves
CBI Says Has Access to $6.7b in SDR Reserves

Mohammad Reza Farzin, the governor of the Central Bank of Iran, said the government has access to $6.7 billion from its resources with the International Monetary Fund. 
In a meeting with IMF officials in Washington DC last week, Farzin noted that the funds, equivalent to 4.8 billion SDRs (Special Drawing Rights), can be utilized promptly and with minimal bureaucratic procedures to help meet economic needs, the CBI website quoted him as saying.


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