Business And Markets

Russia’s Central Bank Chief Visting Tehran

Cooperation between the two countries gained momentum last year amid western sanctions on Moscow and Tehran. In 2022 both sides reached agreements to expand cooperation, from barter supply deals for Iranian turbines, spare parts and aircraft equipment, t
Russia’s Central Bank Chief Visting Tehran
Russia’s Central Bank Chief Visting Tehran

The Governor of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina is due to arrive in Tehran today. 
"Tehran is hosting the chief of the Central Bank of Russia and talks will focus on following up agreements and documents signed by the two sides last year," Mohsen Karimi, the Central Bank of Iran deputy for international affairs was quoted as saying by IBENA. He did not provide details. 
Russia’s top banker will also take part in the 51st Asian Clearing Union (ACU) Summit, which opens today (Tuesday) in Tehran. Russia is participating as an observer in the meeting. 
Cooperation between the two countries gained momentum last year amid western sanctions on Moscow and Tehran. In 2022 both sides reached agreements to expand cooperation, from barter supply deals for Iranian turbines, spare parts and aircraft equipment, to contracts for the joint construction of gas pipelines. 


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