Business And Markets

Economists Float Idea of Launching ‘Offshore Rial’

Economists Float Idea of Launching ‘Offshore Rial’
Economists Float Idea of Launching ‘Offshore Rial’

The governor of the Central Bank of Iran, Mohammad Reza Farzin, said the regulator is looking at proposals for launching the "offshore rial" for use in markets in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
He made the announcement in the monthly meeting with senior economists, the CBI website said without providing details of the planned currency.
Investigations by way2pay indicate that the concept of offshore rial was raised by participants in the meeting for use in foreign trade and the CBI is to look into the prospect. It seems the bank is also keen on using the digital Rial in cross-border trade.
President Ebrahim Raisi earlier called on the central bank to create the infrastructure for overseas trade using the national currency with target countries and take effective steps to de-dollarize trade with specific countries.


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