Business And Markets

CBI Chief and Omani Minister Discuss Trade in Nat’l Currencies

CBI Chief and Omani Minister Discuss Trade in Nat’l Currencies
CBI Chief and Omani Minister Discuss Trade in Nat’l Currencies

The Central Bank of Iran reiterated its policy to reduce reliance on the US dollar in the domestic economy and trade with the outside world.
In a meeting in Tehran with Qais bin Mohammed Al Yousef, the visiting Omani minister of commerce, industry and investment Promotion, CBI boss Mohammad Reza Farzin highlighted reasons behind the long-pending policy, citing the abuse and weaponization of the greenback by successive US administrations for decades and Tehran’s decision to conduct trade in other currencies, especially Asian, the CBI website said.
The meeting was held during the Joint Iran-Oman Economic Commission headed by Farzin. Curtailing and removing dollar transactions from trade and economic exchanges between the two Persian Gulf neighbors was emphasized by Farzin.
"The groundwork has been created for conducting trade and economic deals based on Iran's national currency and the currencies of our partners, including Oman."


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