Business And Markets

New e-Payment Fee System Will Cut Acquiring Bank Costs by 45%

New e-Payment Fee System Will Cut Acquiring Bank Costs by 45%
New e-Payment Fee System Will Cut Acquiring Bank Costs by 45%

The Central Bank of Iran's long-awaited plan for reforming retail e-payment fees is in the final stages and should reportedly reduce the share of accepting banks by charging merchants instead. 
A report by the way2pay website said unlike the current mechanism the new system requires shops, where POS terminals are used, to pay a fee for each transaction they process.
CBI officials recently held a meeting with fintech CEOs where the new model was presented and discussed. 
So far banks receiving and making payments bear the bulk of payment fees because when a payment is made with a bank card, the bank receiving the payment has to pay a fee to the bank whose card has been used. This is on top of the amount banks must pay as rent and support fees for each POS device to payment service providers.


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