Business And Markets

$85 Billion Given in Loans Last Year: CBI

$85 Billion Given in Loans Last Year: CBI
$85 Billion Given in Loans Last Year: CBI

Banks paid an estimated 44,485 trillion rials ($84.89 billion) in loans in fiscal March 2022-23 -- up 45.3% on the year before.
The Central Bank of Iran said on its website that individual borrowers accounted for 6,859 trillion rials ($13 billion) or 15.4% of the loans. The money was paid to 8.9 million applicants while the major part ($71.8b) went to businesses.
Loans to individuals increased by 55% y/y and to companies was 43.8% higher.
Regarding the share of economic sectors, the CBI data shows the industrial and mining sector borrowed 37.7% of the total. Services sector topped the list taking 39.9%. 


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