Business And Markets

NPL Ratio at 7.8%

NPL Ratio at 7.8%
NPL Ratio at 7.8%

The Central Bank of Iran said the ratio of non-performing loans to total lending improved by the end of the first half of the current fiscal year (Mar-Sep. 2022).  
The ratio of NPLs to total loans stood at 7.8% by the end of H1 – down 14.7% from the corresponding period last year. 
Total NPL ratio, however, increased by 27.9% in the course of six months since the beginning of the year in March 2022. 
NPL ratio is the ratio of the amount of nonperforming loans in the loan portfolio of banks to the total amount of outstanding loans. It measures the ability of a bank in receiving loan repayments.


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If lenders classify their loans properly NPL Ratio skyrocketing and most of them will be bankrupt.

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