Business And Markets

CBI Chief Says Can Tame Forex Rates

CBI Chief Says Can Tame Forex Rates
CBI Chief Says Can Tame Forex Rates

The Central Bank of Iran Governor Mohammad Reza Farzin has expressed the hope that the new measures employed by the regulator would help control forex rates in the domestic market. 
Farzin told the state-owned broadcaster that the CBI will address the real demand for foreign currency. "More than 600 licensed exchange shops and 50 branches of Bank Melli,  Bank Mellat, Bank Saderat Iran, Bank Sepah and Tejarat Bank are selling foreign currency."
Last month the CBI said selected banks would sell foreign currency up to €5,000 to each Iranian a year at rates announced on the Iran Central Exchange (ICE) website.
Per law, so far every Iranian could buy $2,000 or equivalent a year at slightly lower rates compared to the unofficial market by presenting their ID. That policy led to long lines of buyers of the cheaper currency who then sold it in the open market at higher prices to make an extra buck.


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