Business And Markets

Big Defaulters Put on Notice 

The CBI earlier said that in the absence of robust supervision and lack of an integrated data bank in the past, banks gave unusually big loans without proper collateral
Big Defaulters Put on Notice 
Big Defaulters Put on Notice 

The Central Bank of Iran said it will prevent big defaulters in the past from receiving new loans. 
“Big defaulters will not receive new loans and must first reimburse past loans under the set timeframe,” Mostafa Qamari-Vafa, head of the CBI public relations department said, IBENA reported. 
Qamari-Vafa warned lenders who have given “huge loans in the past to their affiliated entities”. He said they will face disciplinary measures. 
The CBI earlier said that in the absence of robust supervision and lack of an integrated data bank in the past, banks gave unusually big loans without proper collateral. Over the years, such bizarre lending resulted in large NPLs undermining the role and viability of many banks.


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