Business And Markets

Ruble Now Traded in Tehran’s Regulated Currency Market    

Observers describe the latest ruble policy in line with efforts by the two sides to promote trade in national currencies and gradually move from than dollar
Ruble Now Traded in Tehran’s Regulated Currency Market    
Ruble Now Traded in Tehran’s Regulated Currency Market    

Iran Currency Exchange, known as the regulated forex market, has started trading the Russian ruble from last Tuesday.  
The Russian currency is the third being traded in the regulated market after the dollar and euro, according to Mostafa Qamari-Vafa, head of Central Bank of Iran public relations office. 
The regulated market is a spot market dealing in wholesale currency banknote. Trade is handled by authorized exchange shops and agent banks are brokers. The CBI as the regulator oversees the trade.
The currency market is seen as a government measure to restore some discipline in the chaotic forex market. It was created in 2020 to organize an open and transparent system where currency is traded electronically.


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