Business And Markets

IME Monthly Spot Trade at $2.2 Billion

Industrial and mineral products contributed the most to the IME trade. Commodities weighing 6.680 million tons worth 403 trillion rials ($1.3 billion) were sold in the said month
IME Monthly Spot Trade at $2.2 Billion
IME Monthly Spot Trade at $2.2 Billion

An estimated 7.9 million tons of goods worth 665 trillion rials ($2.2 billion) were traded in the spot market of the Iran Mercantile Exchange in the calendar month that ended on May 21. 
This was up 9% in volume and 11% in value from the month before, the IME public relations website reported.
Compared with the corresponding month of last fiscal year, the value of the deals rose 38% and volume 63%. 
Goods worth 1,260 trillion rials ($4.2 billion) changed hands in the market in the first two months of current fiscal year (March 21-May 21). 


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